JRM Physiotherapy Blog

someone getting physio on leg

Physiotherapy Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions  It is understandable that you may have some questions about what happens at a physiotherapy appointment and more. Please see below for our frequently asked questions. If these don’t answer your question please do not hesitate to get in touch with us by emailing admin@jrmphysio.com or calling 01484 968017. What will happen at a physiotherapy initial assessment? At your physiotherapy initial assessment you will spend approximately 45 minutes with a physiotherapist who will ask you a series […]

photo of physiotherapist Esther Gallick

Women’s Health Physiotherapy FAQs

Women’s Health Physiotherapist Esther Gallick Answers some Common Questions about Women’s Health Physiotherapy

photo of woman pelvis with relation to pelvic organ prolapse treatment with physiotherapy

Physiotherapy for Incontinence

Ladies let’s talk about leakages by Esther Gallick, Physiotherapist at JRM Physiotherapy, and women’s health specialist

It’s not just about bad backs… using physiotherapy to treat vertigo

Can physiotherapists treat vertigo? When you think about physiotherapy, what conditions spring to mind? Musculoskeletal pain probably tops the list, but physiotherapists can help patients with a wide range of conditions; from respiratory issues, to postnatal incontinence, physiotherapy can play a crucial role in the treatment of many physiological conditions.