
Combined Acupuncture & Physiotherapy.

Acupuncture is one of the treatment techniques we use at JRM Physiotherapy. We use it when appropriate as part of the integrated approach we have for the management of pain, inflammation, and as a means of enhancing the body's own healing chemicals in order to aid recovery and enhance rehabilitation. Acupuncture used alongside physiotherapy is done so within the background of clinical reasoning and evidence-based practice.

How does Acupuncture work?

Acupuncture has been used for over 3,000 years. There are many theories as to how acupuncture actually works. The traditional (Chinese) view is that energy flows freely when the body is in a healthy state. If there is a problem, energy stagnates which leads to pain. The stimulation of appropriate acupuncture points by insertion of a fine needle frees this energy. When stimulating an acupuncture point the brain is stimulated to produce natural pain relieving chemicals called endorphins. These assist the body to heal itself and gain pain relief.

Acupuncture does not work for everybody or every condition, but research shows that 70% of people gain relief after treatment. Positive reactions are often noted when more conventional treatment techniques have been unsuccessful.

Often acupuncture has a cumulative effect where pain relief builds up as treatments progress. Some people react quicker than others. Chronic conditions often take longer to respond and occasionally become worse at first, but often respond well after this initial phase of discomfort.

Our Physiotherapists are registered with and regularly complete training courses to maintain recognition by the AACP (Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists).

Acupuncture is included within the price of our standard physiotherapy sessions, as it is usually incorporated within a treatment plan that may include other physiotherapy techniques. Before commencing acupuncture the physiotherapist will carry out a full physiotherapy initial assessment to determine the most effective plan based on your history and symptoms. Book your initial physiotherapy assessment now to discuss how acupuncture could help you.

Call us or book online now.

Conditions that can be helped with acupuncture

acute (recently suffered) injuries • sports injuries • whip lash, back pain • neck pain • headaches • stress related illnesses • chronic injuries • osteo-arthritis • rheumatoid-arthritis • joint pain