The Mummy MOT at JRM Physiotherapy

The ultimate postnatal check for mums!

The ultimate postnatal checkup for mums is now available at JRM Physiotherapy

All mums deserve a thorough physical check up after giving birth. The Mummy MOT is a specialist physiotherapy assessment for women who have given birth - both vaginally or via caesarean section - from six weeks post birth.

We believe that mums deserve access to postnatal care and should not have to live with incontinence, tummy gap, pelvic organ prolapse, and pelvic pain. The Mummy MOT is designed to help identify these common postnatal issues, and provide professional advice for mums to help them take control of their recovery from pregnancy and birth.  We want to help mums get back to doing what they love, whether that is walking, running, cycling, swimming or jumping!

When should I have a Mummy MOT?

The Mummy MOT assessment can take place any time after 6 weeks post birth, whether vaginally or via C-section. Some women benefit from a Mummy MOT years after giving birth! We are a centre of excellence for treating C-section scars and pain.

What is included in a Mummy MOT?

A Mummy MOT can only be carried out by a specially qualified physiotherapist who has undergone training with The Mummy MOT programme. The appointment lasts one hour and includes tests and checks of the following:

  • Posture in standing
  • Squat and lunge (functional transfer of load)
  • Symmetry at the pelvis / neck / ribs
  • Hip ROM / Faber test
  • Single leg stance
  • Sit to stand test
  • Active straight leg raise
  • Pelvic floor / transverse abdominis core synergy
  • Inter recti distance measurement (tummy gap)
  • Pelvic floor assessment

Mums are given a comprehensive report of findings to keep and a prescriptive exercise programme based on the mum's physical needs.  You can find out more about The Mummy MOT specialism via The Mummy MOT website:

Can I bring my baby to the Mummy MOT appointment?

Absolutely! If you are bringing a pram please let us know upon booking so we can ensure you are booked in the downstairs treatment room.

How much does a Mummy MOT at JRM Physiotherapy cost?

The Mummy MOT costs £80. This price includes a full report and exercise prescription. If you are a member of one of our affiliated clubs, including Mummy Fit, we offer 10% discount on Mummy MOTs. If follow up appointments are advised, these are charged the same as a standard physiotherapy session (see our price page for more info).

How do I book a Mummy MOT at JRM Physiotherapy?

You can book far in advance - in preparation for your postnatal period.  You can book online , email us to discuss appointments or call 01484 968017


"My consultation at The Mummy MOT was brilliant. Really feels like I was checked over from head to toe for any postnatal issues. Specifically, they looked at general body alignment, breathing, diastasis recti (stomach muscles), pelvic floor, and my c-section scar. They follow up with a full report and recommend movement / exercises. The physio I saw was kind, gentle, knowledgeable, and really listened to me. Overall, top marks. Cannot recommend it enough!"