Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Assessments by Chartered Physiotherapists

DSE Assessments with Musculoskeletal Specialists

Display Screen Equipment (DSE) can cause issues with health and wellbeing when not set up correctly. The Health & Safety Executive state: "Incorrect use of DSE or poorly designed workstations or work environments can lead to pain in necks, shoulders, backs, arms, wrists and hands as well as fatigue and eye strain. The causes may not always be obvious." Our physiotherapists can help reduce these risks.

Common injuries experienced as a result of unsafe workstations include:

  • Neck, shoulder and back complaints
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Visual impairments
  • Repetitive strain injuries
  • Poor posture

Employers have legal obligations to protect the health and wellbeing of staff using DSE - whether in the workplace or at home. The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations apply to workers who use DSE daily, for continuous periods of an hour or more. By law, employers must undertake a DSE Assessment for all staff using DSE equipment on a regular basis, whether working from home, hot-desking, mobile working, or at a fixed workstation.

Employers must also do an assessment when:

  • a new workstation is set up
  • a new user starts work
  • a change is made to an existing workstation or the way it's used
  • users complain of pain or discomfort

Health & Safety requirements can be confusing and time-consuming for employers. Let our specially-trained professional physiotherapists relieve this burden and ensure you meet your legal obligations by booking DSE Assessments directly with us - we can visit your workplace or employees' homes to carry out thorough professional DSE Assessments.

What is a DSE Assessment?

A DSE assessment consists of understanding work habits and how you utilise your workstation. "Workstation" includes the DSE equipment you use (computer, laptop, tablet) as well as the furniture including desk, chair and any other parts of your immediate working area. A workstation should be tailored specifically to you to minimise the risk of injuries or pains. Our team of Chartered Physiotherapists at JRM Physiotherapy are highly trained musculoskeletal specialists, with a greater depth of human anatomy and injury. Through our years of training and experience as physiotherapists we have a deeper understanding of correct positioning and how poor posture or inefficient workstation setups can have an impact on the body. During an assessment, we aim to ensure the workstation is optimal to improve productivity as well as reduce risk of injury.

What happens at a DSE Assessment with JRM Physiotherapy?

Our physiotherapists will visit you or your employee at their workplace (or home for remote working) and undertake a thorough assessment of workstation set-up focusing on postural positioning and musculoskeletal implications. We will make changes to you workstation if necessary including:
● Desk or chair height adjustment
● Display, mouse or keyboard adjustments to positioning
● Sitting posture and feet positioning
● Recommendations for additional equipment

photo of a lady working at a laptop and rubbing her neck in pain

DSE Assessment Packages

Individual DSE Assessment:

This 45 minute assessment is a thorough workstation assessment carried out in your normal workplace (home / office / mobile working) and is suitable for all, including those with pre-existing issues linked to DSE useage. During this assessment a thorough evaluation of the workstation and analysis of working tasks, movement patterns and postural positioning is undertaken. Anthropometric measurements may be taken to assess the fit of the chair and workstation. Our physiotherapist may also provide tailored exercises and advice about posture and work patterns to relieve pain or discomfort.

These are priced from £120 (subject to travel distance).  As this is a bespoke service please email us to discuss your needs or request a call back.

Business DSE Assessments:

If you have a number of staff in one workplace requiring DSE Assessments, we can arrange to visit your workplace for a half-day or full-day to undertake multiple DSE Assessments. Prices start from £180 for 2 employees (prices vary depending on travel distance and number of employees requiring Assessment).  As this is a bespoke service please email us to discuss your needs or request a call back.

Following all DSE Assessments we will provide you / employees with a report of the findings, adjustments made and recommendations given.

Photo of medical professional standing up and working at a computer
photo of lady in a wheelchair working at a desktop computer